My future job

 I think the first time I thought about my ideal job, I envisioned it as something that allowed me to travel all over the world, where I could meet diverse people and diverse cultures. That was one of the reasons why I studied gastronomy before this career, even though it was not my best choice, I got to know many places in Chile. I was in Chiloé for two months and I lived in Valparaíso for a year.

Now, despite studying an office career, I don't think the possibility of traveling is nil. Also, after 2 careersI finally feel like I'm in a place that I like. In the future I would like to work in the Comptroller General of the Republic. I like the area of ​​administrative law and the ideal of fighting corruption within Chilean institutions. In the same way I like the area of ​​Human Rights.

Also, I am interested in how the State deals with the issue of people's food rights. I think I could mix gastronomy and public administration and work for JUNAEB to deliver vegan and vegetarian food in schools. Also, consider that not only the economically favored population may suffer from food allergies and that must be a State political.

Regarding salary, I am used to living in a family that survives on the minimum wage, so the income that a university degree can offer me is higher than my expectations, however, I believe that we must continue fighting for decent wages for society .


  1. I love what you say and you can travel around the world with that or theese job because you're amazing, I think that everything you want to do you can achieve, you put so much passion in everything! (Javiera Riquelme Carrillo)


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