My favorite movie

 I think I've seen this movie more than 20 times, I love how it mixes such a remote time with the feminist attitude of the protagonist. I mean Pride and Prejudice.

The movie is based on the eponymous book written by Jane Austen. I love the landscapes and photography of the film, as well as the mix that is made with the music. The main actress, Keyra Knightley, makes an excellent adaptation of Elizabeth Bennet, a very funny, beautiful and intelligent woman.

I like how Jane Austen describes falling in love based on people's intellect. A few days ago I saw another adaptation of one of her books, the movie Jane Eyre. As in Pride and Prejudice, it is a story that is based on the value of the characters being focused on the intelligence they deliver to the other.

I would recommend these films because they are novels of conscious love and not the simple drama that traditional films present.

Also, I really like these types of movies, where women are exposed to a retrograde world and manage to stand out in it and live life in a way that makes them happy.


  1. OMG Mr Darcy! That's a wonderful movie, everything that you describe makes them an a complete movie, you can cry and learn about different topic. Women can do it everything! (Javiera Riquelme Carrillo)


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